Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BUS 528 Week 10 Assignment A-2

Assignment A-2
Chapter 11 ideas- Communication

Those days, sending smoke signal used to be the form of communication for native.

These days, communication is so critical as it is one of the top reason of project failure. We do not want to send our project to smoke for sure.

Therefore, effective communication is the vital tool for project managers. Project managers need to ensure two way close loop communication and ensure the message is clear and direct to the audience. They also need to listen to the team and engage with the stakeholders.

Project checklist is essential tool to define the objective, responsibility, task assignment and the status of the task or activity. It provides better control for the project manager.

Meeting is an important forum to engage the team together. Meeting schedule and meeting minutes are critical to pull the team together and to ensure the team member deliver according to the action item as per discussion during the meeting.

Defining the meeting outcome & stakeholders is important before calling for a meeting. This can help to avoid wasting team member's time and resources.

Project Manager are suppose to prepare the Meeting agenda that will serve as a guideline to achieve the meeting objective and on time meeting schedule.

Recording or documenting the project process, procedure, design and others changes are critical to keep information accurate and up to date. We do not want to waste time & resources in using out dated information. Translate to waste of $. Therefore, pay attention on documentation and change management.
Another valuable form of communication is Project monitoring system or Dashboard. It will help to provide the health of the project and picture tells it all. Stakeholders can refer to the Dashboard and react to it. This reporting can help to improve performance and also the project deliverable.

The following communication tool is important - Issue Tracker. It will be great if the project manager can emphasize the power of this tool to track the issues and lesson learn. This knowledge library will help to record the issues or problems encounter. Team member will respond to this tool on the action taken and also to share the solution.

Again, i would like to stress the importance of Closed-loop Communication that serves as a control system with an active feedback loop. This method is highly recommended to all project manager.

1 comment:

  1. from biggest to smallest matters, everything needs to communicate...i think communication makes progress and improvement. i like the communication tool ideas..
